
Grammy-Winning Artist & Actor
Lisa Kennedy


TV Host & FreedomFest Emcee



Freedom of Speech... Just Watch What You Say

Steven Pinker

Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters

Emily Austin

Finding Peace in the Middle East

Matt Ridley

How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom

Baron Baptiste

Reclaiming Your Freedom While Living in a Reactive World

Spike Cohen

The Principle of Human Respect

Tom Woods & Matt Ridley

The Age of Pandemics: A Reflection on the Past Five Years

Extra Ticket Required

Punching Up Comedy Festival Special

A celebration of freedom of expression! For tickets, visit our Special Events page.

Signature Mock Trial

Open Borders On Trial

Featuring Bryan Caplan

Kerry McDonald, Robert Enlow, Ashley Soifer

Education Entrepreneurialism in the 21st Century